<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:<HR>"Do you think that puting on OS 9.2 and I tunes would help.?" <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> If you have 9.1, as I do, Toast should be working fine. As far as iTunes is concerned, I would definitively try to put it on. When I got my G4 one year ago, I thought that , being a long time Toast user, I didn't need this iTunes thing. So I disabled all the extensions related to it (I did the same for that crappy CD Burner extension). From then I had a lot of troubles using Toast. I had to put iTunes back on in order to be able to use Toast (I left the CD Burner extension disabled). Now Toast is working perfectly; the only "bug" is that the internal Sony burner is not seen on start up (the Toast extention icon is "X rated"...nothing sexual here, just mentionning that red cross...), and when opening Toast I get a message that another driver is present. Everything else is running well. Also, if you're still experiencing troubles, go on Roxio.com->there are many updaters and drivers for Toast that you can download for free. Last week, I had an extension conflict using Toast with an unknown extension, I downloaded the updater for my version of Toast Deluxe and eyerything was back to normal. Good Luck. PS:I really wonder what Apple has done with this $*%`#@**!! iTunes. It really has become a pain in the ass to work with our good old Toast.