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Buffer under run





Messages: 14
Registration: 07.15.2003

I would turn off the virtual memory, and assign toast a little extra of that 192mb. Strange that it stopped working all of the sudden

97 M3 formerly AASC now Technique Tuning Stage II (thanks to Got PSI, Shuasha, BMWPerson, M3 Madbimmer and 99MPower) Cut Ring HG
Message # 1 22.12.24 - 01:21:10
RE: Buffer under run



Messages: 197
Registration: 06.30.2003

Hay all Thanx for the input, Well I switched the Virt Mem off, and could back up a data cd of my, scussi drive. Then I tryed to burn an audio CD and same error, any other ideas I would love to be able to use this machine, but this is really driving me crazy, last week I copyed and burnt a CD at full speed now this AAAHAAHAHHHH Peace all Notefarm Do you think that puting on OS 9.2 and I tunes would help.?

never enough money... '95 240sx / '87 325iC
Message # 2 22.12.24 - 01:27:27
RE: Buffer under run



Messages: 311
Registration: 04.17.2001

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:<HR>"Do you think that puting on OS 9.2 and I tunes would help.?" <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> If you have 9.1, as I do, Toast should be working fine. As far as iTunes is concerned, I would definitively try to put it on. When I got my G4 one year ago, I thought that , being a long time Toast user, I didn't need this iTunes thing. So I disabled all the extensions related to it (I did the same for that crappy CD Burner extension). From then I had a lot of troubles using Toast. I had to put iTunes back on in order to be able to use Toast (I left the CD Burner extension disabled). Now Toast is working perfectly; the only "bug" is that the internal Sony burner is not seen on start up (the Toast extention icon is "X rated"...nothing sexual here, just mentionning that red cross...), and when opening Toast I get a message that another driver is present. Everything else is running well. Also, if you're still experiencing troubles, go on Roxio.com->there are many updaters and drivers for Toast that you can download for free. Last week, I had an extension conflict using Toast with an unknown extension, I downloaded the updater for my version of Toast Deluxe and eyerything was back to normal. Good Luck. PS:I really wonder what Apple has done with this $*%`#@**!! iTunes. It really has become a pain in the ass to work with our good old Toast.

Message # 3 22.12.24 - 01:31:12
RE: Buffer under run



Messages: 487
Registration: 01.12.2003

Hay MrT, Thanx for the heads up, on that. I too got the message saying "the driver ....." after tring out I tunes. I will get to work trying your ideas, Thanx again everyone, this DUC is the coolest corner of the WWW Peace Notefarm

98' TECHNOVIOLET M3 PROJECT: STREETSLAYER'topsecretarea51status' UNDER MAJOR SURGERY! SHES IN BETTER HANDS NOW.... Sold: Gone, but...I'd buy them all back! 05' Interlagos Blue ZCP M3 Slick Top, 6spd Man'sTrans, M-Alcantara Manual Seats: the unicorn t
Message # 4 22.12.24 - 01:41:44
RE: Buffer under run



Messages: 817
Registration: 04.17.2003

My buffer underruns were all related to extension conflicts. I had to work at it but once I solved the problem (with the help of Conflict Catcher) and have created a startup set for audio I haven't had a problem.

1988 turbo e30 - stolen 1987 e28is - work in progress
Message # 5 22.12.24 - 01:51:56
RE: Buffer under run



Messages: 632
Registration: 07.13.2001

Thanx for the heads up on the extensions conflict, Tha could well be it. I seem to be having so much trouble with this one drive maybe it is the problem. I tried to instal differnt os. 0S 9 os os 9.2 os X and it is just doing strange things. Every time I do it I do afresh install. I am not useing this for pro tools any more because it is just too unstable. Tech tool brings bach good status. Thanx for your help NoteFarm

Bumble Bee
Message # 6 22.12.24 - 02:01:35
RE: Buffer under run
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