I was wondering because I found that I can change the colorspace in the options (Enviromental->general) to yuv. If I am recording in yuv2, is that the same as yuv? I did a search but couldn't get a solid answer about this.
To be honest, I couldn't really tell the difference enabling this setting than not having that setting on. I tried using RGB32() at the end of my scripts before but the picture didn't turn out good. I guess my real question is, how do you know if there was a colorspace mismatch? What in the picture would lead you to believe that?
It won't ever degrade because RGB is fed unconverted to TMPG, so it's the "reference" way because YUY get's converted by some codec (and you don't even know exactly which). The only disadvantage could be a slight loss in speed.
--------------------- [][][][]V[] Jason B. Toon Attorney at Law 20 E. 5th Street, Suite 200 Tulsa, OK 74103-4407 Work: (918) 585-9155 Mobile: (805) 666-2020 www.toonlaw.com
It won't degrade unless it gets converted back to YUY2 and then converted back to RGB when it gets handed over to TMPG. It does not matter how or when it gets converted to RGB as long as it gets converted only once. Color space conversions happen silently, so you never know for sure. Maybe there is a speed improvement using AviSynth to do it, but I don't see any other advantage. Stephen
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OK, so you are saying there is a speed loss, but at least you know who is doing the conversion and that AviSynth does it right. My only concern is that sometimes RGB24 gets reported as buggy even when RGB32 works fine. Stephen